Friday, May 02, 2008

Redbuds & Red Barn

It is that time of year again when new grass, new leaves, and Redbud blooms create a beautiful backdrop for a well cared for farm. The bright red paint with contrasting white trim reflects the owners love for the beauty of this picturesque farm in southern Fulton County.


Michele said...

Beautiful photo. Just perfect.

Tom said...

It is the kind of place I can only dream of... the farm and builds add to the view where I see farms here that can and do spoil the view.
Another true Country Capture.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: That is a beautiful setting.
Very well captured.

photowannabe said...

This is a perfect calendar photo. I do love red barns. The picture makes me want to travel to your part of the country. I am getting wanderlust...

Anonymous said...

The delicate colors and graduations from one to another or light to dark makes the whole scene interesting. It is a nice photograph.

Willard said...

An excellent shot! I think that is one of the best spots in our area to capture red buds!