A Dragonfly rest momentarily on a stalk of grass
This morning I spent a considerable amount of time on the lake attempting to capture a Dragonfly in flight. Dragonflies are masters of fast flight and instantaneous directional change. Although I shot quite a bit, none of the images were of the quality I desired.
This evening while checking one of our hay fields which lies near the creek, I came upon this obliging subject.
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One of my most favorite subjects to shoot! Lovely shot Salty!!
This is awesome! So much detail - a wonderful capture.
Nice capture of the dragonfly. I know from experience flying bugs are particularly hard to capture at times.
What a cool shot i just don't seem to be able to capture this kind of photos.
Very nice image! Good job capturing this guy.
What a excellent close up!
I've winged critters this week too.
What a beauty it is to Salty... I have yet to get anywhere near these... I think the wing markings are awesome, and the flight of these creatures takes my breath away.
Wow, wonderful photo
Marvellous close up. The detail is amazing.
I do visit and I do comment and I was here. I did look at your picture(s) and I did read what you wrote about them. I could say how great you are and how beautiful your work is but alas I would soon run out of things to say on the next blog I visited, so I just left this to prove I stopped and said a few words on Sunday.
My Rheumatoid Arthritis hurts so I am using the same message for all.
Fantastic capture! I am loving this photo and this is exactly the type of photo I enjoy viewing. I often will be standing there fly fishing and notice a lot of these beautiful dragonflies and I just never have the equipment or time to photograph. Nice work, Salty!
Mountain Retreat
Fishing Fiesta
wonderful capture! I love the angle you shot from.
so close and personal special to me sandy
You took the photo at the right moment I guess!
Great photo!! I can't all the great dragon fly photos i've been seeing here lately through camera critters!
The colors are perfect in this photo!
Hehehe - we should have been hanging out together, because I spent a LOT of time this weekend trying to capture a dragonfly in flight! This is truly a beautiful shot, Salty - I always love your photos.
I've added you to the Camera-Critters Blogroll, by the way.
wonderful picture. great catch
Cool shot of the dragonfly. They can be -- almost always are -- very unaccommodating subjects.
Salty, I love dragonflies and with Singapore getting so crowded, I hardly can see one now :(
I LOVE your Dragonfly capture~it is stunning~perfect!! I have yet to get a good capture of the beautiful critters, but I'm not giving up!! And also wishing you a Happy 14th Anniversary! ~Wishing you many more!
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