Sunday, June 01, 2008

Upset: Female Robin

This Robin built her nest under my shed roof overhang. Whenever I approach the shed she flies out into the surrounding tree and raises quite a commotion flitting about and chirping loudly.

In this capture you will notice her crest raised; a sure sign that she is distressed over my presence.


Roan said...

My dog Willie's hair stands up like that when a dog walks by his yard. Guard bird/guard dog. Both guarding the perimeter.

Stacey Olson said...

That is one angry mama.. so glad someone else can read animal body language.. (grin)

Lori said...

I've never seen a robin with its crest up that way. What a neat shot!

photowannabe said...

There must be a nest close by at my house too. The robins seem to go bonkers every time I go out the back door too. Great shot of the distressed Mama.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: She is just telling you to be careful near the nest. She at least posed for you. I saw two robins chasing a Blue Jay yesterday. There was a lot of squaking happening.

Shelley said...

She is fierce and beautiful at the same time!

DeeMom said...

Well I learned something new Crest on the RISE


Tom said...

You caught the crest to perfection here Salty, I saw this happen yesterday in my garden when one Starling got to close to the bread another one was eating.. It seem to raise up on it's legs tightened all its feathers apart from the ones on it's crown which stuch up... the other bird backed off.

Great capture.