Thursday, March 06, 2014

Trusting Titmice

The tufted titmice that visit our feeders have become exceedingly trusting.  One cold afternoon, wanting to try something different, I put the 24-105mm lens on a Canon 60D and placed a couple of sunflower seeds in the hot shoe on the other camera.

Since I hadn't refreshed the seed in the feeders the titmice wasted no time in beginning to feed from the top of the camera.

The ultimate though was feeding them from my left hand while holding the camera and shooting with my right. 


Ruth Hiebert said...

Love,love,love these shots.

TexWisGirl said...

really sweet.

Montanagirl said...

How cool is that???? Very nice, Coy!

ASHE said...

I absolutely love the bird in your hand. Titmice are kind of the clowns of the woods - they're so outgoing!

Carol said...

Now that is a picture worth keeping. What a blessing.

Elaine said...

Sweet little bird! Wish we had them here.....

Lindsjö taxar said...

How sweet!
Very good job to balance that photo session :-)

Anonymous said...

Such adorable little birds. What a thrill to have one eating from your hand!