Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Billie Crystal

The name of this boat caught my attention,
as well as the fact that it is now a floating hayfield.
Photo taken at Oyster Va


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Cool one.

Anonymous said...

heh funny. Is the hay actually growing in the boat?

Kekiinani said...

Ha ha ha ha ha.. lol lol lol ... Now this just cracks me up... nice capture.. a floating hayfield with a cool/famous name... :) :)

lv2scpbk said...

That's funny. I noticed the hay or grass in the boat but it didn't dawn on me till you pointed it out. The name would catch your attention. Nice shot.

Please stop by my site tomorrow, it will be my 100th post.

photowannabe said...

Great shot Salty. Maybe that's a new business. Floating hayfields.

Lucy said...

I love the photo and the boat and hay, but I also love the name of the city (?) where you found it, Salty. "Oyster." That's awesome.

Doug said...

Great picture, I hope the crop is cultivated before the boat sinks. I have a post today that you might find interesting.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until they get the round baler out there for the hay! I also like the name of the boat. I guess that is one way to be immortalized!