Birds visiting the feeder on our deck frequently perch in our spruce tree nearby.
I like the background the spruce provides but to capture birds here I must shoot at an angle through a double pane window. The window glass degrades the sharpness some but I like the soft focus effect in this photograph.
To me the male Cardinal with his bright red plumage will always be the Christmas Bird.
Although he doesn’t carry gifts or use a team of reindeer and a sleigh, he does fly around all dressed up like Santa Claus.
Great capture! The bird is so beautiful.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Your cardinal is really beautiful and the background makes it's color show all the more. Well done!
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Just beautiful Salty! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
That is so beautiful, Salty! I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!
P.S. Did you change your blog layout/graphics just a bit?
What an awesome shot and thru a window none the less!!! I think these birdies are soooooo cute and colorful and yup.. he does look like a Christmas Bird... :) :) Merry Christmas Eve to you and your family!!
I like your photograph of the male cardinal. He is young and bright. Nice.
Thanks too for your visits to my blog. I appreciate it a lot.
And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your friends and family from Patty and Me.
Oh, I love cardinal pictures. We just filled our bird feeders and I hope we start getting more birds in our yard. I would love to get a picture of a cardinal!
Have a Merry Christmas!!
That is beautiful with the color of the bird and the green on the trees. Truly a Christmas photo. This would be wonderful on a postcard.
Merry Christmas!
I've always thought cardinals seemed like Christmas birds, glad I have some company on that one. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Salty.
I love this Christmas bird all decked out in red.
I think the picture turned out great even through a double paned window.
Merry Christmas Salty and the best of the New Year.
Great series, Dad.
Like the Christmas Bird.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Also thanks for visiting my blog and your comments since ive been blogging.
I always think of cardinals as "snow birds" or "winter birds"....now I will think of them as "Santa birds" :)
You have captured him beautifully!
I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas....I look forward to blogging with you in the New Year!
What great color! I have a few that visit my backyard but I can never grab a shot that turns out.
Oh and I love your heading!!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Hi Salty
Hope your Christmas went well, I'm playing catch up again..
This is a stunning bird and a wonderful Country Capture. It brightened my day looking at it.
How I would love to see a Christmas bird in person! Their colour is so amazing...
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