Thursday, January 03, 2008

Mystery Revealed!

I love all of the good guesses and I must say they were all very good!

Photowannabe however came extremely close. Sue was the only contestant to see the ice!

The Meadow Grounds Lake is in the process of freezing over. A few yards from shore I noticed this hole in the thin ice. I assume it was caused by a spring in the lake bed creating an upwelling of warmer water. As the waves rolled across the open water and ran up against the ice sheet they caused water to well up through this hole and then recede as the wave passed by.

So as you now see, it was totally natural, soon the lake will be completely frozen and the ice was too thin for me to approach closely.

Today’s photograph is of the same ice hole with the wave receding.

Thanks everyone for your comments. I must admit; if I had found this photo on one of your blogs I would have been totally stumped :)


DeeMom said...

very interesting

Catherine said...

It is a very nice shot, and very interesting! And it is a hard one to figure out, but to me that is what makes it such a great shot~it makes you question and wonder, & really look, really see!
Have a wonderful New Year Salty!!:D

Meggie said...

It was fun trying to figure it all out.....

Tina Leigh said...

Oh I missed the fun!

Tom said...

I enjoyed the fun of the post and reading the comments.


Anonymous said...

Lovely capture! Very intresting! I was trying to figure it out in your previous post;-)


imac said...

What a great post, guessing the photo.
Well done Photowannabe.

Thanks Salty for having this good idea.

The photos were great too.

See my Photo Hunt Piccy.

Kekiinani said...

What a fun post. :) :).. Ice.. geeesh I would have never guessed. It is a cool shot!!