The Tufted Titmouse is one of the most common birds to visit our winter bird feeders. They are not picky eaters and are easily attracted. This bird is feeding on cracked corn spilled from the feeder above.

Here it is seen working diligently pecking at a corn grain. Note how it grasp the kernel with its feet while hammering away, breaking it up into edible pieces.
These guys are constantly at my feeder....but I can't get them to stay still enough for me to take a shot. You have captured this one perfectly!
And the shot is so crisp and clear....are you using a tripod to get this?? I haven't mastered the tripod yet....I need more practice!
They are greedy little boogers too! When I go put seed in the feeder they are on it almost immediately.
These little guys visit my feeder frequently also. But, like Kerri, I can't seem to get a good shot because they are so "flitty."
I think we have one of these little guys that wants to build a nest in our overhang. It flits and calls and no one answers or is attracted to him, her. Fun to watch though.
Super picture of the bird.
These are sooo cute.. Great detail you got in the feathers.. We dont have any birdies like these around here.. that I am aware of at least!!
They are nice birds. I like them and their cousin, the Black crested. Anyway, I try to mix cracked corn in with the other sunflower chips but the corn usually lays on the ground until a flock of starlings fly in and gorge themselves on food.
I've heard of these birds on TV and films be never seen then like this until a week or so ago on Abes, and then again on Dot's blogs. I do wish we had them, that flash of colour on the flanks is stunning.. a bonus to any bird watcher this is.
Ohhhh just precious photos of a precious bird. They are sooooooo cute.
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