A log, stopped for the moment. A small rise in water level will send it crashing over the brink.
This image causes my mind to wonder. Does this log represent us, our nation, our economy, our world? Will another rise in energy prices send us tipping over the brink?
Our entire developed world economy runs on oil. From the automobile we drive to the truck that moves our goods, to the freighters crossing the oceans. We put oil into our engines; ride on tires, and burn fuel made from oil. The plastics we use every day are made from oil as is even the carpet on our floors.
From a low of around $9.00 and barrel in 1998 oil is now trading at over $130.00. The inflation of the price of oil is now moving rapidly into all of the good and services we consume. As you ladies know food prices have begun to skyrocket.
Are we like the log? Is our economy on the edge, ready to tip into recession or even depression? Will this imbalance bring an imbalance of world power tipping us into global war? Or can human intelligence and technology save the day?
Tell me what you think
Nice shot.
Salty: This was a very insiteful post. I would have to agree that we are on the brink of some real trouble. The government spends money like it is just paper. Wait a second, that is all it is. The USA thinks it can help all other countries but maybe needs to help ourselves out of this mess.
Very cool image Dad.
Yeah, we are definitely on the brink. Our nation is already in trouble, I'm not sure how we're going to get out of it.
I've heard that the real plot of the terrorists back in 2001 was to bring financial hardship to the United States. Did they succeed in their plan?
There's a commercial on TV that has a man going to get a humongous TV at the store with a chorus singing I want it All...I want it Now....
That seems to be the philosophy of the day. Difficult times ahead. We'd better be on the solid Rock.
During my morning walk today, my friend and I talked about the same thing...when will it all end? HOW will it all end? Sorry I don't have any answers.....
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