Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The British are Coming!!!!!

And they don’t look friendly like our good blogger buds Wom Tigly and Imac

His Majesty’s soldiers march to their destiny along a rural path in colonial New France.

More to come………………


Louise said...

Wonderful picture. So bright. So unsual. At least here.

Anonymous said...

They don't look friendly and their mom's dress them funny :) Well except the hats. Those are pretty cool.

Tom said...

Far to mean and healthy looking for me and Imac... the picture however is excellent.. :O) Is this a new header or have I missed this before?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: The Red Coats are coming, you better watch out my friend.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine they really did dress like this all in red and just asking to be shot. But they did.

Imagine my surprise at what popped-out of my sprinkling can > Dances on Sunshine

bobbie said...

What a great picture! Did anyone ever dress lake that, for real?

photowannabe said...

Maybe they are just hot and their feet hurt from being in costume. Great shots and looking forward to more Salty.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Looks like you went back in time over the weekend!