After learning that the Haines-Seville Wetland contained a small population of muskrats, I began returning in the evenings in hopes of capturing more images.
August was quite dry in our area and the wetland was shrinking daily. This in turn concentrated the muskrats into a smaller area allowing me to cover much of the open water from one position.
Each evening as the sun neared the horizon the muskrats would surface from their submerged dens and begin feeding. Some would leave the water and travel only a few feet before cutting vegetation and carrying it back to the water while others would apparently travel some distance as they would be gone ten to fifteen minutes before returning with their fresh cut bundle.
Whenever possible the muskrats travel in the shadows but on a few occasions one, such as this one, would break the rules and travel through a sunlit area.
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He looks like a busy little critter. very nice picture.
that's a great shot of that muskrat. you got lucky!
Not easy to catch this muskrat. Great picture!
Dirkjogt, Belgium
Great catch and story. I am glad you were able to get him. I am guessing the level should go up a bit if you got as much rain as we did yesterday.
My wife spotted a muskrat very close to our home here in Mechanicsburg and is pointing me in the right direction. With any luck I can get some shots like you.
The little guy looks ferocious :-) Nice get...
Never seen one of these before Salty... they remind me of something else but I can't think what they are called.. Love the header as well.
Would love to see them in action! I'm glad one popped out into the sun for a good picture for you (us!).
Salty: So nicely done with the Muskrat with it's mouth full of treats.
I have not seen one around here for a while but I did see a ground hog not long ago. Boy it was a fat one.
great shot never saw a muskrat before
I'd love to capture these but they just aren't around this way.Well done
Wonderful shot. We don't have this animal here. Cool to see. Great catch :-)
What a lovely muskrat. First time to see this critter!
Made me think of the old song Muskrat Love by Captain and Teneil.SP?
Great shot that required a lot of patience.
Your muskrat is definitely on the move - nice shot!
I think they are fun to watch, but Hubs gets really upset when they are in our pond.
Great shot as always Salty - you never let me down.
Nice shot! I can just "see" it swimming in the water.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
We have a muskrat den on our pond and our neighbors keep trying to shoot it, trap it and wish it away. Wetlands are muskrat territory..
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