This evening I decided to hike to an area where I had found a large concentration of Monarch Butterflies feeding on thistle last September. Upon arriving I found that I was too late. Most of the thistle had already matured and died. I did encounter one Monarch feeding on a goldenrod but before I could complete the camera setup it gracefully fluttered off among the pines.
Looking around for another available subject I spied this little butterfly. Although not the stately Monarch I was searching for: this little thumb-nail sized butterfly posed beautifully for its portrait session.
Very cool, Dad.
Perhaps not a Monarch, but a beauty nonetheless!
Hi Salty,
Most all of my butterflies have gone. And the Hurricane Ike winds probably did a number on those still around. I did see some Cabbage Whites here yesterday but the number of flowers are down too. So they were getting something from different bushes and leaves. Don't know what but they's where they were feeding.
I think the photo is nice and I assume you already know what it is so no need for me to look it up.
Have a nice day.
Salty: Don't know what this little guy is but you got a great photo. I would like to see the inside of the wings because it should have great colors.
What kind of butterfly is this? I like its delicate features.
I think she is very proud of her dress and so she struck a pose just for you.
Very nice and delicate.
Good one! This is a very tiny butterfly. One of the hairstreaks or elfins. It's hard to tell what his coloring is.
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