Financial collapse, presidential election posturing, and high energy prices may excite humans but the Green Heron finds it all extremely boring. The trivialities of our world pales beside the important things in the Green Heron’s life.
Life in the wetlands may appear quiet and serene but for each life sustaining meal that one creature consumes, something else must die.
The heron yawns before beginning feeding for the day while at the same time keeping a sharp lookout to assure its own safety.
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Nice shot of an UGLY bird. Wonder what he is saying, welll maybe not! I feel just like that some days.
Salty: I beg to differ with ms426d, I think the Green Heron is quite beautiful and I enjoy them evey time I see them. I didn't think he was yawning, I thought he was complaining about the cost of his fuel. all that work he has to expend.
i don't know.. he seems rather excited to me!!! haha!
I think he is T-totally ticked off!
I love the picture below too, it's really beautiful!
Excellent photo!
he looks like as if perhaps he's yelling to all the humans to stop bickering over political candidates.
Cool pic!
Nice shot. I think he is telling us to figure out what is really important. Or he could just be yawning!
Ugly..they are really colorful... Great shot Coy!
Thanks for visiting my Brookville blogt, Coy. I always am pleased to see you have been there.
I like this photograph a lot and your story under it even better. It really does open Nature up and let us peek in for a minute or two. You and I know the ways of the wild and lots of others might find it rather gruesome but the fact is the way you told it is.
I think your work is an inspiration to all who find it here and I know it has inspired me to try and do better and to be a better photographer.
Good one! Haven't seen many Green Herons around this year. Come thinking of it not many Black Crowned Night Herons either.
Great Post!
Have a great weekend!
Cheers, Klaus
I'm familiar with the blue, but have never heard of a green heron...
Great shot!
I didn't know birds yawn. ;-) He looks like he's complaining about something, but I wasn't there when you took the shot. LOL
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