Friday, October 03, 2008

The Herd Bull

As sunset approached Monday, the heavy cloud cover that had been present all day began to break. A nice bull and a single cow were in the woods along this woodland opening. Hoping for the bull to move into the beautiful light of the setting sun I was to be disappointed when he bed down and continued to bugle from his bed.

Shortly after the sun dropped behind the distant ridge the cow moved into the opening. The colors of autumn enhanced by the beautiful light remaining painted a beautiful backdrop to photograph the cow against. The only thing missing was a majestic bull.

As the evening light was fading fast, a dominate herd bull hove into view. With mud smeared flanks and antlers he staked his claim to the winsome cow with an ear splitting spine tingling bugle.

For more Camera Critters click Here


Arija said...

What a great bugle! I absolutely adore your nature photos.

Ivar Østtun said...

Beuatiful photos. I think I can hear the bull all the way to my place :-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: This is starting out to be a wonderful trip into Elk country in Elk County, PA. I love the lone cow and the bull dwarfs the cow in the second shot. Thanks for the beautiful morning and evening sight.

Dirkjogt said...

Fantastic pictures! Great quality.
P.S. Loved your SWF contribution also.

ratmammy said...

great photos!

photowannabe said...

Thrilling photos of an exciting season. Your patience paid off. The first shot looks like an oil painting and the action of the spine tingling bugle is so amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Cathy said...

Absolutely wonderful!

Juliana said...

lovely shots

I hope you stop by at my CC post also in HERE. Thanks

Carletta said...

What a great capture! He is magnificent!

Reader Wil said...

Very impressive animal! Beautiful!How wonderful to see these animals in the wilderness.
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

The second shot of another priceless image, Salty. The bull bugling and the cow wathing.. so nice.

Lapa37 said...

Nice pictures this is the first time I have seen pictures of Elk.Good job thanks for sharing.

bobbie said...

A gorgeous pair!

Christy said...

Beautiful shots. I have been enjoying this little series. Look forward to the rest of the images.

Sandy Kessler said...

very special photos something I never see. below as well sandy

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I remember a particular picture of an Elk that you had hanging in your house back in the day that somebody else photographed. Pretty much every image you've posted from your recent trip kicks that images' butt.

magiceye said...

wow.... a super capture!

Busy Mom in Iowa said...

Very cool animals!! We don't see those here in Iowa!

Gayle said...

Very regal elk!

Kelly said...

What gorgeous Elk! They look so happy out in the wild! Great CC photos!

Misty DawnS said...

OH MY GOSH!!! You have NO idea what I would give to be able to experience this! Your photos ALWAYS take my breath away! WOW - that's all I can say.

Meggie said...

Great story with fabulous photos! Nice shots, Salty!