Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Non-Typical Bull: Portrait

Tuesday morning a breeding frenzy was taking place in the area where we had left the elk the evening before. I counted seventeen animals in the harem (cow/calf herd) and was able to identify at least seven different bulls. The herd bull featured in Friday’s post was kept extremely busy shooing the satellite bulls away from his girls. Of the satellite bulls tending the herd this non-typical was the largest.

On a number of occasions when the herd bull was otherwise engaged, this bull would rush into the harem and begin checking the cows. As the herd bull would rush in to vanquish the intruder the non-typical would literally run to get out of his way.

I overheard a local elk guide explaining that non-typical bulls very seldom fight as their malformed antlers do not provide them with the protection as does a typical rack.

That may very well be the case but the elk fight that I was to soon witness occurred between this bull and a smaller rival.


photowannabe said...

Another gorgeous "canvas painting".
What a thrilling time you and your brother had with the Elk.

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful elk shot, Salty. You and Willard must have been so excited to be able to see these animals and get these great shots.

Ivar Østtun said...

Stunning portrait. And of course a beautiful animal :-) Well done

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photograph.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: What a crown this guy has on his antler. It reminds me of an animal I saw in New Zeland on a TV show.

Shelley said...

An excellent shot you captured - I love how he's turned toward you.

Anonymous said...

fabulous photo of the elf. His antlers are amazing. I also have elk pictures today.

Gretchen said...

He's gorgeous!!!

Louise said...

Love this photo. The color and depth-of-field are fantastic!

Louise said...

Sorry, I forgot to mention the informative, interesting commentary. Nice post!