Thursday, November 27, 2008

SkyWatch at the Byrd Visitor Center: SNP

Wednesday morning found Willard & I once again in Shenandoah National Park.

I shot this photograph of the Byrd Visitor Center located at Big Meadows as the first hints of dawn’s arrival began to show in the eastern sky behind the building.

For more Sky Watch click here


Unknown said...

the sky looks like it was painted. So pretty.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo. Is that snow on the steps? Looks cold.


Coloradolady said...

lovely photo. have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The lights on the building warm up the photo. Love the streaks of clouds.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky Coy!

Guy D said...

Great shot, thanks for sharing.

Regina In Pictures

Coy Hill said...

Conditions in this photo- well below freezing, some snow lying about, windy & partly cloudy.

I used a 20 second exposure which allowed the cloud movement to "paint" the sky.

Ivar Østtun said...

Great photo. I love the blue color in the sky. Well captured Salty. I wish you a wonderful weekend

Brad Myers said...

Salty, I hope you and your family had a great Thanksiving. Sorry I am a day late with that but I had to work yesterday.

I am glad you liked the muskrat photos and thanks for the good comments. I do know I was lucky, it's about time.

Now go out and photograph some deer before the hunters push them deep into the mountains on Monday.

Shelley said...

Simply beautiful - the clouds look so soft!

Powell River Books said...

You have some amazing animal shots. you are very talented and you must also be very patient. I don't often get up early enough for a sunrise, but this time of year it is easier where I live. I invite you to some see my sunrise and sunset from Coastal BC. -- Margy

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: Certainly a beautiful capture for SWF.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I left a comment for you on this earlier but I do not see it. Maybe I pressed a wrong button somewhere. :)

I love these soft colors of dawn. It is a beautiful pic Coy.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such beautiful contrasting glows in this shot! Very romantic! Like the first whispers of morning hope!