The first light of a cold January day brightens the eastern sky on what was to be a cloudy gray day. In the valley the lights of farms and homes can be seen with the bright cluster visible in lower center being that of the Sideling Hill Plaza of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
This photograph was taken from a scenic overlook along the Bark Rd south the Lincoln Highway (US Route 30).
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Absolutely stunning shot, I love everything about this pic.
Regina In Pictures
What an incredible view! It doesn't help me feel any warmer, however!
Wonderful photo, Salty. It's marvelous when enlarged! Thanks.
Beautiful photo I also did an early morning sky shot for sky watch. I only have a cheap little six mega pixel and I am new to photography but I have a passion and I think I have an eye for a good picture and this sure is one.
Beautiful,especially when enlarged.
The strip of pink light is really eye catching
What lovely landscape. Your shot has really nice colors and I like how you got a bit of the branches on the left to frame it. Very pretty area you live in.
Great photo...even better enlarged...love the twinkle of lights in the town...and the hills behind...
We sure do live in a beautiful state!
Nice scenic. Blue Skies. BTW, really like the shrike capture below!
Lovely vista! But it does look cold.
I enlarged it to get a better look. I love the mountains in the background. --Michelle--
A lovely view Salty! So glad you took the time to stop and capture it for us!
I love the blues and grays in this beautiful scene!
Good Morning! Thought I would stop by and see your skywatch pic. Great pic as always. Don't think we can get great scenic shots like that around here. Hope you have a great day.
Beautiful Salty, and when enlarged wow, what a shot.
Beautiful, I am more likely to catch the evening light in this spot cause I really don't like to get up that early. This image convinces me I need to leave that warm bed once in awhile.
Hi Salty
This is a nice view.... much better that the view from yesterdays posting. I was moved by that my friend.
So beautiful!!
Salty: What a look at the winter mountains.
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