Friday, July 17, 2009

Heron Flight Flash

Having recently acquired a Better Beamer flash extender from Visual Echoes I put it to the test on one of my favorite subjects this morning.

Noticing a flock of Cedar Waxwings feeding on marsh grass along the lake shore I approached with the boat after installing the flash extender on my camera along with the 100-400mm lens.

As the boat nosed into a patch of lily pads this Great Blue Heron too flight. I like the effect created by the flash properly exposing the heron while under exposing the background.


Leedra said...

I like too, it looks like it sunlight coming through just an opening in the right spot.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Ruth's Photo Blog said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you did good on this shot Coy. Amazing.

Elaine said...


Michaela said...

Excelent Photo!

Willard said...

That is amazing! It looks like this may become an essential tool.

Montanagirl said...

Wonderful! I don't have a flash extender for my 100-400. Maybe I better look into it! Terrific photo.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Salty: Amazing shot.

Tim Rucci said...

The beamer is an exceptionally useful tool, and it appears to have helped you a great deal in this photo. It virtually opens a whole new world for flash photography. Great job!

素人 said...
