Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Missing out on Summer

Recently I feel that my busy schedule has been forcing me to miss out on the rapidly passing summer.

I photographed these dew laden wildflowers back on July 18th on one of the last morning I have been able to spend in the outdoors. Wildflowers are always pretty and they are at their very best when covered with the heavy morning dew.

Hopefully things will be back to normal by the upcoming weekend and I can once again spend some quality time photographing nature. Thanks again for all of your comments. I’ll be trying to return to visiting your blogs soon.

This image was captured with the 100-400mm L and a 25mm extension tube.


Anonymous said...

My favorite flower. I love the misty look.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

A gorgeous shot.

Elaine said...

This is a stunning shot! I love the play of light and shadow and the moisture on the flowers. Daisies are high on my list of favorite flowers.

Montanagirl said...

I love the daisies too - the dew on them and the way the sunlight and shadows accent the photo, is just terrific.

imac said...

Wonderful shot Coy.
We havent had much summer this year.

Michele said...

This is so pretty... the lighting is just perfect. I can see this as a framed photo on my wall for sure!

Carletta said...

Lovely drenched daisies in wonderful light!

Leedra said...

A beautiful photograph. I think the summer is passing us all by this year. This is the time of year we are all suppose to be out constantly with our cameras in hand so we will have photographs to share all winter. I keep thinking what you are saying here. I am so busy and then I am so disappointed when it is time to go to work because I didn't have my camera outside shooting away all morning. We have to work on our playing more.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Catherine said...

I love you're dew covered~ morning lit daisy's ~a gorgeous capture!

Summer does go by too fast please slow down and enjoy more of this fabulous Season~ Summer!
Big hugs Salty~ til my next visit!