Friday, February 24, 2012

The Edge of Winter

The changing of the seasons are gradual with little noticeable change from one day to the next

However as winter loosens her grip the point where ice meets open water presents a visual reference;

 "The Edge of Winter."

A Goldfinch perches beside the wetlands awaiting the change of the season.

I heard Red-winged blackbirds for the first yesterday and observed my first common grackles today.  Although official spring is still nearly a month away the signs of the changing season are unmistakable.


Chris said...

The goldfinch is a wonderful catch Coy. Well done and the edge of the water shots are wonderful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good signs of spring.Seeing a Goldfinch that bright means spring is on the way.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images.. Spring weather has hpefully arrived..

Montanagirl said...

Nice shots, Coy! I'm sure the pesky Grackles will be back up here soon too!

Elaine said...

Love that Goldfinch shot! The only sign of change we are seeing here is more daylight. The ice in the rivers is still holding firm and will be until well after the official first day of spring.

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots! That finch has a lot more color than the ones I've seen.

photowannabe said...

Hi Coy, its seems like forever since I last visited your blog.
Oh my, I have missed some beautiful photos. It was so much fun going back and looking at them. A real pleasure.