Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh Deer!

The Whitetails Bucks are now growing their annual set of antlers.

This yearling buck poses for a portrait op. It has always amazed me how quickly antlers grow, how obsessed with them that some people can become, and then if the buck survives until winter they simply drop off and the cycle begins anew.


  1. Nice insights from a seasoned hunter.

  2. The face on this one seems to be longer than the deer in our area.

    I saw a couple of pretty bucks when I was at Crater Lake a few weeks ago. They just had little nubs too.

  3. I thought this was a fake one at first. It looks like it's standing there and not moving at all.

    Today I posted the Auction Barn.

  4. Nice shot! Long lens, or lots of patience?

  5. Faye beat me to the same comment I was going to say. Interesting about the antlers.

  6. Dynamite shot. It truly does look like he posed for you.


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