Kerri’s recent post about finding color in the winter got me to thinking. Our winter world does seem to display nothing but shades of gray at first glance. If we allow ourselves the time to look closer we will find those grays made up of many colors and textures.
This morning I awoke to find my area blanketed in two inches of fresh snow. As today was a holiday away from work I ventured to a nearby overlook to photograph the sunrise followed by a hike around the Meadow Grounds Lake. It was a fruitful morning providing me with many snow shots including my new header.
During this trip I noticed the orange color of the sunrise, the pink/orange of it reflected on the new snow, the browns of the tree trunks and of the dead plants, the blues of the water and sky, the reds of small berries and of Cardinals flitting about, along with the deep greens of the evergreen trees highlighted by the snow laying upon their bows. I realized that I was surrounded by color, beautiful color. No, it isn’t the same as lush greens of spring or the vibrant flowers of summer or the lovely splashes of foliage in autumn but it is winter; beautiful and colorful in its own right.
Upon returning home, while tending to a few chores outside, I was very much surprised to find this lone dandelion blooming.
A Splash of Color on a Winter Day!