Saturday, March 08, 2008

Bath Time, Immature White Ibis

An immature White Ibis enjoys its bath while an adult looks on.

The White Ibis is one of the most numerous species at Lake Parker. As I continue to review and process photographs from our Florida vacation I am amazed at how many species are present at this lake. I have found it necessary to refer time and time again to Audubon’s field guide.


  1. Whew! Am I glad to know that you also refer to the Audubon field guide once in awhile. At least I'm in good company. I can tell you are certainly enjoying the scenery in sunny Florida. Enjoy it while you's snowing in PA.

  2. I'm glad we could collaborate our "Ibis" photos...I know we'll be collaborating another post later this week ;)

  3. You captured this so well Salty.. Both birds seem to be interacting.. the look on the adult bird speaks volumes.

  4. What a sweet shot! Perfect capture!

  5. Very very nice indeed I bet you must be real still when you capture this.

  6. I think the adult was saying "Make sure you clean under your wings good" hehe

    Fantastic capture.


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