Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hummingbird Moth

A close-up of a Hummingbird Clearwing Moth reveals the long proboscis curled up into a convenient travel position.

Today as I followed some yellow and black swallowtail butterflies around our lilac bush I encountered this interesting little moth. It showed a clear preference for the shaded areas which made it difficult to obtain correct exposure while using a shutter speed fast enough to capture the image. Finally I settled on ISO 800 and captured this image at 1/640th of a second with an aperture of F5.6 and a 400mm focal length.


  1. First time I see this Salty and very very interesting indeed :D

  2. Your nature shots areso interesting. I love how you captured the proboscis of the moth. Lots of patience to get the great results.

  3. interesting moth! very nice shot!

  4. When I see shots such as this I feel humble... the marvals of nature at times take your breath away... well captured Salty..

  5. Salty: I've seen these guys around but never had a name. They certainly do hover like a hummingbird. What a great picture.

  6. Wonderful shot Salty.

    My bridge and odd shot are now showing.

  7. Wonderful, we have those here but I have NEVER been able to get a picture of them.
    Are they not neat?

    Super shot...

  8. I don't think I've ever seen one of these. Interesting post.

  9. I photographed one of these last summer too, I did quite a bit of research on them and apparantly you will see them early morning before the heat and it appears that they are attracted to things that have a pink or purple color, Mine was working on a flowering teasel which has light purple petals. You can see it on my other blog
    Just page down a bit. I have only seen them twice once I was fortunate enough to have my camera and a macro lens because this little guy is fast and small, less than an inch long (like his namesake in the feathered family).

    We have a beautiful lilac bush flowering at the moment I am going to start observing it more intently earlier in the mornings LOL. Also got a hummingbird feeder but need to put it up still.

  10. Sori the link to my second blog is

    My typing is going down the tubes.


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