Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Close-up: Hummingbird

Of all the bird species to photograph up close there is none easier than the hummingbird if one does some preparation. All that is needed is a feeder and a well lit perch. Capturing these birds in mid-air is another thing altogether!


  1. Wow! Great detail. I really like the green feathers.

    I just commented on your previous post...it was the newest one at that moment. After the screen refreshed, this post appeared! I see we're both on-line at the same time ;)

  2. WOW! That is an amazing shot. A lot of people have been having luck capturing hummingbirds lately, but none of them have been that close and clear. Amazing shot!

  3. What a great shot. I like it a lot :-)

  4. This is a nice close up, Coy. I have one like this but the whole body on my Brookville blog.

  5. An impressive shot - love seeing the greenish colors on his head!

  6. Salty: Well that is one neat capture, I love the details on that shot.

  7. Nice-looking bird. Love the beak.


  8. Wow Salty, this is Awesome! I LOVE how you can see the green on the back of her neck. Stunning!!
    What a beauty!!

  9. great close up of the hummer. I spent last week posting the hummingbird. They are so much fun to watch. I did get some really good ones of them in flight. The trick was just before sundown and a flash to freeze the wings.

  10. Fantastic capture Salty. The detailed closeup shows such amazing colors.


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