Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Another Butterfly

With summer waning, soon the butterflies will be gone. I am in no hurry for butterfly season to end but I know that with its passing a new season, full of new photographic opportunities, will burst forth

This shot was captured using the 25mm extension tube on the 100-400mm lens.

I am finding the 25mm extension tube to be a very useful tool when shooting macros with the super telephoto. The extension tube reduces the minimum focus distance considerably allowing the capture of much greater detail in small subjects.

To date I have not experienced any problems using the extension tube in conjunction with the 100-400mm but when combined with the 24-105mm I have had problems with using auto-focus.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so far behind in photography these days that I am embarrassed to admit I never heard of an extension tube in photography. I don't have a 400mm lens either but I read a blog yesterday where a lady dropped her camera and banged the daylights out of the UV filter screwed on to it. I guess they got that off and discovered her 400mm lens and camera were still intact and working. She said it was an f 1.8 lens? I didn't know they made them. Here I am about to die for a f 5.6. LOL

    Believe it or not I saw a black cat in my backyard yesterday and I started running to chase it out and my legs were going really fast but my upper torso was going even faster and I fell on my hands and knees and my "new" Canon camera went flying through the air and landed on the lens and I just about died. Not hurt. I was worried about the camera.

    As it turned out we had just got over 2 inches of rain so the grass and soil were soft and the lens hood caught most of the action. Nothing harmed, but that was my day.

    I was just thrilled to read your comment on my blog about the Pileated Woodpecker. That is the first and only one I ever saw here and I was lucky that when it flew it went right above my head.

    Here is another shot you might like to see. A portrait of my granddaughter.

    Canon Pixels

    I do like your Sulphur Butterfly and wonder if it is the "Giant" one? My wife was mowing our yard the other day and I was trying to take a picture of a Giant Sulphur and her mowing scared it away and it finally left and never came back. I only gone one photo of it hanging and a side view and not one with the wings open. It is a nice shot and looks like it is on Seedum.

  3. Salty: Nice capture of the colorful yellow butterfly. It has a pretty color.

  4. Wonderful. And I want an extension tube my self :-)

  5. Always enjoy coming here and seeing nature through your eyes. Another great one Salty.

  6. Nice job Coy..no wonder I can't take great shots like this. I don't know anything about all the other lenses and things that you could use...I don't want butterfly season to end either....

  7. Beautiful butterfly shot.


  8. Salty: I got one of the same butterflies on the weekend. It is a Clouded Sulfur (Colias Philodice) from what I can tell. See what happens to the one I have posted. This is nature at its best or worst.


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