Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gliding Wood Stork

A Wood Stork glides over Florida’s Lake Marion

The plumage of the Wood Stork is most striking during flight when its black flight feathers contrast vividly with the white. When on foot, the Stork’s black feathers are nearly invisible, covered over with white as seen in my previous post.

Why would nature choose white for the Stork as well as for many of the other long legged wading birds?

Nature uses many different camouflages. Considering that these birds’s prey is hiding in the marsh below looking up for danger, the bird’s white body would blend very well with sky.


  1. That's a great shot!
    Camouflage in nature is wise ;)

  2. They are interesting birds for sure, in flight and when foraging, and particularly shocking to look at up close.

  3. Salty: Great photo and a neat explanation.
    I tagged you with a photo request today.

  4. I never thought of that Salty! Thanks for explaining! LOVE to see the birds in flight....you take those SO WELL!! Great shot!

  5. I love seeing these guy's. you got a great shot!



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