Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mid-Summer Critters

A Wood Duck hen takes her little family on an evening feeding cruise.

 Mid-Summer is a delightful time to be in the fields, forest, & wetlands barring biting insects, heat, humidity, and poisonous snakes.

Mating Dragonflies utilize submerged vegetation as a resting place appearing as if they are standing on the water.

A Whitetail Fawn wrinkles its nose while posing nicely for its portrait.

Soon the cool autumn breezes will begin blowing ushering in a new season with new opportunities but for now I am very contented to enjoy the beauty that mid-summer blesses us with.

For More Critters of all Kinds
Visit our friend Misty at


  1. Beautiful fawn image.Yes,all too soon it will be fall.I don't mind the idea of cooler temps.

  2. I LOVE the dragonflies. As I stand and fly fish the streams out here, it's so much fun to watch the dragonflies dance along the waters and rocks, they really do amuse me. The Fawn is absolutely beautiful! Brilliant photos!! =)

  3. All three images are lovely, but the fawn shot is supurb!

  4. Amazing shots! The one of the fawn is gorgeous.

  5. This series is great - but I agree, the fawn image is just super!

  6. Nice serie but the fawn steal's all the a so cute image ;)

  7. Lovely selection Coy to celebrate mid-summer. FAB.

  8. WoW What wonders of Nature Coy.

  9. The little fawn is so precious, and your mating Dragonflies look huge. Our fawns are still in hiding, but different neighbors have spotted a couple of sets of twins and soon the parents will bring them about. Have a wonderful week~

  10. The dragonfly photo is incredible! Of course, I LOVE ducks and fawn....

  11. ...the dragonfly photo is too cool...and the fawn is so sweet!


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