Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bugling Time in Elk Country

Avoiding his advances, a cow makes a quick turn in front of the camera as the bull bugles

The Pennsylvania Elk rut draws photographers and wildlife enthusiasts from a wide area each autumn as the awesome bulls compete for mating opportunities.
I arrived in Benezette Pa. before dawn Monday morning during a light drizzle. Meeting up with Willard of Pennsylvania Wildlife Photographer and Brad of Bradley Myers Photography I was ready to immerse myself in the world of the elk for four days.

Our first stop was lower parking lot of the Porcupine Run – Winslow Hill Elk Viewing Area where we were greeted by this fine bull protecting his harem.

As with most elk who frequent the Winslow Hill tourist area this bull was totally oblivious to the presence of the group of perhaps twenty photographers huddled over their tripods as he moved to within a few yards of us while roaring out his challenge.

The weather on this trip was less than ideal with light rain on Monday followed by gloomy skies most of Tuesday and Wednesday and then heavy rain today.  The way the weather was panning out I began to think that I was going to return home without any stunning images. In the space of ten minutes Wednesday evening it all changed but that is a story for another day.


  1. Oh those boys making noise ~ I wish we had more elk in my neck of the woods. The DNR has introduced a small herd just to the north of us ~ and one night while sitting out on my deck a few years back I heard a bull bugle to the south of me. So that's encouraging.Thanks for sharing.

  2. These are just fabulous shots! That second one is amazing. We can't get quite that close to them here.

  3. Wonderful shots! Those big boys are something!

  4. Coy, these get me all happy, wonderful images and today begins my own journey with the Elk in Colorado. When I saw this, I got very excited to hear the Elk once again. Have a great and safe weekend~

  5. These shots are wonderful Coy, and I remember some of your pictures of last year at this moment.... Hope you will get even better shots this year ;-)

  6. I can almost hear this guy bugle. Terrific shot. I heard one many years ago as we camped in Yellowstone Park. I will never forget it.

  7. Magnificent creatures at home in their natural environment. The photography doesn't get any better than this.

  8. I'm always amazed at the shots you guys get during the rut! These are awesome! I need to visit this place at this time of year!


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