Friday, November 19, 2010


With a look of anticipation

and a bounding run

A fawn approaches its mother hoping to nurse

But the does are weaning the fawns now and although some do allow occasional short nursing sessions

A rebuff as captured this morning is much more likely

The fawns although now half the weight of their mothers and have been eating solid food for months continue to try nursing.  In preparation for the stress of winter's cold, snow and lack of food the does need to gain as much body weight as possible before the onset.  Weaning the fawns is an important step in insuring the does survival.


  1. Such is life.It is special to be able to capture this.

  2. What a great capture...I'd be so busy watching I'd forget to shoot. (picture)

  3. How very sweet. Yes, young mammals will usually nurse as long as the mother will allow. It makes sense for the mother to maintain all those calories in her own system that are used for lactation.

  4. Weaning is not an easy process either for mother or child, whether human or animal.

    Superb captures.

  5. Great photo reportage, very nice intimate moment you captured!

  6. Nice series, Coy! She's sure letting him know nursing is no longer an option.

  7. Love the expression on that first photo!


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