Saturday, January 29, 2011

Whitetail Family

A Whitetail family feeding under a leafless apple tree alerts to my early morning arrival.  A moment later with tails held high in the cold dim light of the predawn they made their escape. 

As winter's hold strengthens and snow depths increase the never ending search to find an adequate food supply becomes more and more of a struggle for the Whitetail Deer. 
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  1. Winter is long and cold and food can be scarce around here. I have been reading or my wife has been reading to me and I have tried to figure out what to change in our feeding program. I took away the sunflower chips and pieces as it was attracting starlings. So we got safflower seed now and that keeps the birds we want and the starlings flew the coup.

    Your picture reminds me that some animals end up struggling to find enough to keep them going when their food is covered in ice and snow. I wonder if people put food out for the deer anywhere around there where you guys live?

  2. I really like how the bluish light of the predawn here accentuates the coldness of this winter morning. Add to that the snow cover and dormancy of the plants and you really have a sense of "survival of the fittest".

  3. That's a really good photo - I like the coldness that emanates from it. The deer are sure watching you!

  4. I just love this photo -- the deer looking so still and serene and the snowy pasture. Just gorgeous!

    Visiting via Camera Critters


  5. Beautiful photo with great composition! I'm just now getting to looking at blogs since we got back from our trip to Washington. You've posted some outstanding photos over the last couple of weeks!

  6. I think you were busted! They see you. Seriously, it's a beautiful image.

  7. an absolutely stunning shot! never seen creatures like this in person.

    mine is up here:

  8. such a familiar sight. i find that my deer begin to search for other sources this time of year. feb and march i don't see them as often but april they all come back despite the green shoots sprouting from the ground.

  9. Very peaceful photo. Winter snows are making the deer less cautious and more open to our photography attempts.

  10. And the dilemma feel or not to feed.


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