Saturday, April 02, 2011

Three Year Olds

With the onset of spring the old winter coat is getting a little itchy.  Camera Critters turns 3 today so I thought it fitting to post this unique soon-to-be three year old.

New antler growth can be easily seen on the damaged right pedicel.  I wonder how his new antlers will develop considering his old injury.

This December photo shows how his injury sustained during the 2010 rut displaced his pedicel, turning it forward at an odd angle.

How quickly time flies, why it only seems like a short time ago that Misty invited me to participate in the very first Camera Critters, Wow!  Congratulation Misty and thanks for hanging in there and keeping it going!

If you have never linked up with a Camera Critters post then don't delay!  Click HERE, grab a badge, post a Critter, and link up with one of the Best memes out there!


  1. Cute shots of the deer! It is neat that you can tell the age of these cuties.

  2. You have a great pictures here. Perfectly captured. Happy weekend. Dropping by for CC.

  3. Nice photos! Hope that turned in antler doesn't grow into his skull!

  4. Your pictures always blow me away! So delightful and gorgeous!

  5. Great photos. I hope his lopsided appearance won't cause him problems in the future.

  6. Hah, the deer around here are doing the same scratching. Except they look a lot scruffier than this young man.


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