Sunday, November 13, 2011

Appreciating Whitetail Beauty

While talking with a young fellow, he asked if I had gotten any good pictures during my time off work.  Responding with a yeah, I clicked the tab that took me to Country Captures and began showing him a few of my latest whitetail shots from the ongoing rut.

As I scrolled through the images he commented that he has hunted deer and enjoys the occasional spotlighting trip to see deer but that he had never realized how beautiful they are.  With that comment I felt that in a small way my photography had made a difference; the images had instilled a little deeper appreciation for the beauty of nature in a young man.
There are many words to describe the beauty of the whitetail but a good photograph conveys the beauty better than any words can ever describe.  A young buck alert for danger, framed by the dark woodland and highlighted by the frosty grass in the foreground conveys the very essence of the whitetail's beauty.

A big buck pounding across the meadow as he rushes toward a buck who had invaded his territory resulted in an image which captures his incredible strength, determination, and speed.

An adult whitetail buck steps into the last rays of a setting sun captured as the golden light illuminated him against a background made dark by the long evening shadows.

As the last light of day fades in the western sky a buck standing on the skyline strikes an impressive image.

No matter the time of day or the size of the deer, the incredible beauty of the graceful whitetail keeps me going back with photo gear in hand; for another person to see and gain a deeper appreciation of that beauty is what makes the effort worthwhile.


  1. just beautiful, coy. but you know that.

  2. Terrific post. And that last sunset shot is fabulous!!

  3. I have no words to adequately describe how I feel about these pictures. They are so lovely. I think you have captured the Whitetail in it's best form.

  4. I feel as if I have a better appreciation for animals and nature every time I read your blog, Coy. You are quite a teacher! And I've worked in education for 32 years, so I know what it takes. Many thanks to you!!

  5. Great stuff Coy, this may have been my best photography experience in SNP to date. Lots of bucks, activity, birds and great people.

    As always you captured the whitetails in the beautiful form that they are. That last photo looks very familure from our sunset shooting.

    Thanks again for the great company, like I said to Willard I hope we do not have to wait until next fall to get together again.


  6. Love your whitetail photos, Coy! Simply awesome!

  7. How fortunate you are to have gotten such wonderful shots. Simply amazing.

  8. This is my first visit to your blog Coy and I like the images you share. Beautiful preservation of God's creatures. I look forward to seeing more!

  9. Love the variety in your post with so many different bucks and lighting! Love the silhouette!


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