Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Common Feeder Birds

Since Pa. firearms deer season opened I have been spending more time focused on the bird feeders.  At present there are only a few species coming to the feeders but that will change when snow covers the ground.  Blue jays can always be counted on to show up at the feeders regardless of weather although getting them close-up can be a chore.

Northern Cardinals with their brilliant red color makes me think of Christmas although they are resident birds and will visit the feeders throughout the year.  The strong beak of the cardinal makes short work of sunflower seeds; cracking them easily to get at the starchy kernel.

The Tufted Titmouse, another year around resident, will never pass up a free meal.  These little birds acclimated very easily.  Spend some time set up at the feeders and soon they will be feeding within just a few feet of the camera lens.


  1. these are great. love the clarity of the eyes. :)

  2. Feeder birds are so welcome.At my house it's the Blue Jays who dominate.

  3. Outstanding bird photography Coy. Are these pet birds that you keep inside to get such closeups? Just kidding. I hope the whitetail hunt is going well around you and Willard and the the outlaws are staying away.

  4. Two of the most colorful birds at many feeders - Jay and Cardinal. Great shots, Coy!

  5. Beautiful shots. I wish those Cardinals would show up in my yard! They're just so beautiful.

  6. Beautiful. We love those Cardinals, too. We have several pair who live in our and around our yard. Generally, they are territorial so we are surprised we have so many for many years in a row.


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