Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Hour in a Buck's Life: Part 1

On a recent morning I located my favorite SNP whitetail very early before sunrise. 

My plan was to stay with him as long as possible.  At times it didn't seem possible. 

Meeting up with a small buck they both stood and watched.......

As a pair of bucks sparred in a sunlit portion of the meadow

Soon tiring of their sparring the big fellow moved on

Pausing to do battle with a sapling the old fellow put on a good show

Little did I know that the morning was about to get very interesting.  However you must wait until the next post to see what was about to transpire.


  1. these are gorgeous. looking forward to part ii.

  2. Beautiful series! I envy how close you can get to these beautiful animals. There's not a Whitetail to be seen in this area - well, a few does and fawns. Can't wait to see what "transpired!!"

  3. I do not know if I photographed Rudder, I will need to check my files. Great photos of a beautiful buck and I like the way you did the post.

    I got your email and will try it if I ever get a day off to do photos.

  4. Great series Coy! And...You are such a tease! Can't wait to hear what got so interesting!!!!!

  5. Great images. I didn't know that this was a mystery blog,but I like it. :)

  6. Wonderful shots! The lighting is great!


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