Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkeys for Thanksgiving

While photographing a flock of wild turkeys early one recent frosty morning I was surprised when suddenly the alarm call was sounded and the entire flock sprang into the air. 
As the last bird disappeared I raised my head from the viewfinder just in time to see an eagle departing in the same direction as the turkeys had flown.  Their evasion tactics were sufficient for them to avoid becoming the eagle's next meal.

This big gobbler is not destined for anyone's Thanksgiving table this year.  I photographed him early this morning and with turkey season closed he should still be out there enjoying life while his domestic kin are being carved.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks for stopping by Country Captures!


  1. thanks, coy! and same to you and yours!

  2. ...awesome close-up photo of a turkey! Happy Thanksgiving to you too...

  3. The turkey on the right in the first photo cracks me up. I tend to think of turkeys as birds on the ground, so it's cool to see a picture of them in flight.

  4. Great Images. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  5. Great shot of the Turkey. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!


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