Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Tripping: Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Needing a photo-fix Willard and I visited Blackwater NWR this morning.  Located on Maryland's eastern shore near Cambridge, Blackwater is a wintering area for many species of waterfowl as well as a good number of Bald Eagles. 

Great Blue Herons are plentiful as well.  At one point five herons were in sight at stalking across the tidal flats in search of prey.

Throughout the morning we observed Canada geese, snow geese, tundra swans, northern shovelers, mallards, pintails, hooded mergansers, and northern harriers.  I will be post images more images from Blackwater NWR in the coming days.


  1. Coy, these are just plainly "brilliant" shots!!

  2. I'm jealous of those eagles! I wish they were more plentiful here. The waterfowl in the background of that photo are a cool, if unintended, touch. I enjoy shooting Great Blue Herons. They're one of the more common subjects I have close access to. Your shots are beautiful!

  3. amazing images...Great shots.I wish you a great weekend

  4. I can see you had a good day!!

  5. Wow my, Coy, that first shot is a dream shot for me! I would love to see that and get this splendid picture of yours!

  6. That first heron shot is my fave. Very nice.

  7. So Jealous!!! These are amazing photographs!


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