Saturday, March 10, 2012

Belted Kingfisher

Stopping by a local creek to check for waterfowl I caught sight of a belted kingfisher sitting on a branch overhanging the water.  With no chance for a photo because of intervening brush and a locked gate precluding me moving the car any farther my only chance for a photo was to get out of the vehicle.  As I expected the kingfisher flew away as the car door opened.

Moments later the kingfisher flew past again.  Looking at the overhanging branch I realized that it was a perfect lookout spot.  Knowing that kingfishers will use a favored perch repeatedly I decided there was a good chance that the bird would soon return.  Setting up the camera rig I waited motionless and was rewarded with the kingfisher returning withing about 15 minutes. However I had not taken into account a nearby tree just to the left of the perch.  Although I had a clear view of the bird the out-of-focus tree washed soft color across the image keeping it from being the image I had hoped for.

At times it is desirable to use nearby out of focus objects to impart softness and color to an image;  however this time it was not the case.

A short time later I spotted the kingfisher a considerable distance way creating quite a commotion.  I have observed kingfishers catching fish by diving but this bird was flying low over the water repeatedly submerging and emerging.  My guess would be that it was taking a bath, however I am not familiar enough with kingfisher behaviour to be certain. 

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  1. What a beautiful bird with interesting hairstyle :)
    Beautiful photos, too.

    Regards and best wishes

  2. Coy, great capture! I've found the Kingfisher to be rather elusive. Very quick to flight. Glad you got a decent shot of one!

  3. This is a great picture. I have seen them taking a bath this way,but that would sam like what he is doing.

  4. Captured beautifully!

    My Critter Post, have a blessed weekend.

  5. Love the Kingfishers, but they're not easy to photograph. It may not be the image you wanted, but it's still good.

  6. Great shots! I hope to see one again at a nearby body of water to the west of us this year.

  7. Maybe not quite what you had in your mind's eye, but still a very nice shot!

  8. The Kingfishers are one of my favorite birds.They seem to spook easily around me. Great sighting and photos.

  9. Beautiful pictures. I find kingfishers difficult to capture and you did a great job.


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