Thursday, August 16, 2012

SNP Whitetails in the Fog

The first nice buck Willard and I was able to photograph during our recent SNP visit was busy browsing.  His concentration on feeding was soon to be broken, but not by us.

Soon a doe moved in demanding his attention.  This doe's summer coat is shedding revealing the growing winter hair. 

From the other side a small buck joined in, nuzzling the buck to draw his attention away from the doe.

I'm sure he didn't mean anything by his expression but with his eye squinted and tongue extended, his pose made a cute shot!

During this encounter banks of fog periodically rolled across the meadow.  The fog banks are responsible for the softness of the last three images.  All images were made with a Canon 60D, 600mm f4 & tripod. 

I'm looking forward to photograph the SNP whitetail rut again this autumn but before then I hope to be able to make a few more trips to capture more late summer whitetail activity. 


  1. Beautiful captures of the interaction among the three deer.

  2. Kaunis on kuvasarja 'isosta-eläimestä'.
    Hienosti Canon/pitkä-putki piirtelee pienessä udussa...!
    Meidän 'Koti-Porot' pyörivät isoine sarvineen tässä aivan pihamaalla.
    Tämän aamuisessa 'blogissani' kuvasin niitä jopa 'rillaamassa'...!!!
    Terveisin Eko

  3. Lovely series! Looks to me like there's some communication going on in that last shot, reminding that young buck of just what his place is.

  4. Hi Coy,
    a very successful post with stunning pictures ..
    beautiful ..
    greetings Frank

  5. Surprised there wasn't more in the bachelor group of bucks this time of year. Good young buck there, and as always amazing picture quality!


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