Thursday, August 30, 2012

Butting Heads in Velvet

With our whitetail rut still over two months away, the bucks have begun sparring.  After a peaceful spring and summer resting, feeding, and traveling together tension is beginning to build in the bachelor groups.


Their velvet covered antlers in the very last stage of development apparently are not as sensitive as they were a short time ago.  These bucks were exerting considerable pressure as they jabbed, parried and shoved.

Soon the bachelor groups will dissolve as the bucks become more aggressive preparing for the fantastic season of love and war.


  1. Talk of the rut and seeing these pictures make fall and,dare I say it,winter seem very close.

  2. And your photos are fantastic too! Love that last one.

  3. I'd love to go out "photographing" with you some day!

  4. Wonderful captures!


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