Saturday, November 10, 2012

Yellow-rumped Warbler: Another Lifer

While I have photographed many species of birds, warblers have consistently eluded me.  However while watching rutting whitetails recently I noticed this unusual bird flitting about the underbrush.  Focusing the camera on it I noted the similarity to birds I had photographed earlier during my Assateague Island visit.  Checking references I have come to the conclusion that this bird is a male Yellow-rumped Warbler. 

 This image and the one following are the birds photographed at Assateague.

My guess is that either these are females or immature birds.  Perhaps a more accomplished birder than I can offer some suggestions as to which is the case.


  1. He is a handsome fellow. Beautiful bird and great shots.

  2. Cute little guys, and I like their nickname, Butter Butt. While no means an expert, I think you are right that it is a Yellow-rumped Warbler, but the male has a yellow patch on the top of its head. The more brown color could be a female or just winter plumage. Someone else may have more knowledge on the differences.

  3. Wow you know what, I got that one Sunday in Iceland!!! A lifer for me too. but unfortunately, with the bad light condition here, no pictures! Yours are wonderful!

  4. Chris,
    So cool that you found a y-r warbler in Iceland! I had a problem with the blog some time ago and lost my link to your website. Could you please comment with the link or if you prefer send it to


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