Thursday, February 04, 2016

Landscape Transition

Here in South Central Pennsylvania we have undergone rapid transitions to our landscape twice in the past two weeks.  After an autumn and winter without snow cover, we were inundated with over two feet of snow arriving the evening of January 22nd and continuing through the entire day of the 23rd.  The snow compacted, evaporated, and melted some over the next week until about six inches remained.  This week the days warmed into the 40's to lower 50's melting the snow rapidly.   This was the situation on Tuesday when I shot the first four of photos posted here.

The creek ice which was safe to walk on a few days before was beginning to show signs of cracking due to water levels rising.

Areas of water pooled on the softening ice in some areas.

And in the rapids areas of open water with floating ice made it clear that the ice break-up was underway.

Rain arrived during Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning it was heavy at time.  The rain exacerbated the melting sending a heavy flow of water into the streams.  By Thursday morning the creek bordering our farm was flowing freely.

Remnants of the winter's ice cover remain strewn on the creek banks.

And Daffodils have already emerged in anticipation of the arrival of Spring.

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