Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Middle Creek Morning

As winter wanes massive flocks of waterfowl head north on their annual journey to the northern nesting grounds.  For birds like Tundra Swans and Snow Geese Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is an excellent place to view the migration as it passes by in late winter.

 A large flock of Snow Geese were rafted near Willow Point this morning where a good sized crowd of onlookers gathered.

There were a number of lift-offs this morning with some of the Snows passing directly overhead.  

Later in the morning Tundra Swans provided nice pass shooting from along the tour road.

Not to be outdone by the hordes of waterfowl, this hawk posed along the tour road for close-up photos.

What you have seen is some of the better images taken this morning with my Canon 60D with the 100-400 lens.  I was also shooting a 6D with a 600mm lens however when I attempted to download that card the files were corrupted and unrecoverable.


  1. What a spectacle to witness! Fantastic shots Coy.

  2. You must be in an excellent birding area! I especially that unique photo of the underside of Snow Geese in flight!


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