Thursday, September 27, 2007

Standing Guard

The fresh autumn colors provided a beautiful backdrop for this bull watching over his favorite cow.

The rut (mating season) is a frantic time in the life of the Bull Elk, mid-day is the only time he rests. During the evenings, nights, and mornings he can be found pursuing cows and challenging other bulls to battle. The dominate bull keeps close guard over his harem of cows and is always on the alert for intruders. One veteran elk photographer advised me that in order to avoid problems “always make sure the bull knows that you are a man and never get between him and his cow.”


lv2scpbk said...

I think that would be good advice from the veteran hunter. I like the elk photos.

Lori said...

Sounds like good advice as far as people, too!

I love these pictures, especially the one below of the "Bull in the Fog"...stunning!

photowannabe said...

I think that's good advice with any wild creature. This has been a beautiful series Salty.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

The morning progresses.

"His favorite cow". I don't think that would go over too good if I ever used that terminology ;)

Shionge said...

You captured the perfect shot ya! :D He is huge :D

Tom said...

Another fantastic shot, well worth all the walking and keeping still.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Salty. All these elk shots are exceptional. The fog really adds to them too.

This shot is my favorite.