If nature won’t provide the snow Whitetail Resort will
Monday while driving my daily commute I noticed in the distance that Whitetail was making snow.
The stark contrast between light and shadow, mountains and sky is what drew me to pause and photograph this scene.
Hi Salty! That's a beautiful view. I'm glad you joined us for Sky Watch.
Wow a beautiful sight indeed, great capture. Here in Indiana all we have is flat fields, corn, beans and oats LOL.
Wonderful! I love the rays coming through the clouds!
Looks like there's plenty of the white stuff atop that mountain. This is a beautiful photo.
Beautiful. The clouds with the sun rays coming down is gorgous and the mountain just adds more beauty to the picture.
I thought the contrast between the black clouds and the puffy white ones were absolutely beautiful. Then I enjoyed seeing the shape of that dark cloud. Finally, I spotted the snowy mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That made your photo marvelous in my eyes. I love snow. I should go get some new ones of Mt. Hood. . . welcome to the group!
Very nice,yours almost looks like mine, there snow in them clouds
Beautiful. With the snow covered mountain in the background and the clouds, containing even more snow. At right time, before Christmas. :)
Beautiful landscape and "Sky Watch".
Rays of sunlight through the clouds, contrasts between the sky and the snow and the shadow of the mountainside. I enjoyed very much.
that's a wonderful shot - i've never seen that happening before.
...oh, and merry christmas!
That is beautiful. I love the rays of the sun coming through.
Beautiful landscape and Sky Watch!
Coy, great shot. I've been there a few times while I lived up there. It's not a bad ski mountain for the area, but that man-made snow can stick to you like glue if the temperature is right around freezing. Would love to see some shots of a snow-covered Sidling Hill when the morning sun is hitting it (hint!).
Nice one salty.
Sat Photo Hunt up now.
Breathtaking, Salty. The Master Artist was at it again.
A stunning capture for sure my friend...
I wish you and all your family and loved ones a very Merry Christmas.
I might not be able to get back around here now until after Christmas so have a great time and I'll catch up again real soon.
Tom & Jane
Big Peter
WOW weeeeeee.. how beautiful is this shot!! :) :)
Priceless, absolutely breathtaking!
That is so pretty! How can anyone believe that God is not real when you see something so beautiful! Sometimes I think He makes moments like that just to see if I'm paying attention to what HE is still doing!
wow, this is really a beautiful picture!
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