I wonder how Santa got all of his work done before he had modern conveniences at his disposal.
Santa is shown here topping the tree at the Manitowoc plant in Shady Grove Pa. The Manitowoc Crane Group produces cranes under the Manitowoc, Grove, National, and Potain brands in plants around the world.
I call that cheating. Shame on Santa!!!
Thanks for sharing Santa's secret. I always wondered how that was done!! HA.. HA...
Somehow it is a bit of a let-down. On the other hand, when you think of all the houses without chimneys, he must have had a difficult job for a long time!
I hope some little kid didn't ask where Rudolph is?
I guess we already know Santa doesn't have a problem with heights!
Danny & my Father-n-law have been coming up with some ideas to make one of these from scratch.....sorta. Danny needs something that will allow him to prune the pecan trees. I'll show you when it is finished. I think you'll laugh. You reckon Santa would bring us one of those nice new ones if we asked?
Tina, I don't think Santa could get one of these machines into his sleigh :)
I don't know how much they sell for but these are all kinds of JLG lifts on the used market. Might be a bit safer than making a homemade one, but then again John L. Grove (JLG) designed the first ones and he didn't have an engineering degree! He was able to take his machines and his company and build it into a multi-national corporation! Around my area thousands of families owe their livelihoods to John for founding two major manufacturing operations, Grove Crane and JLG.
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