As I didn’t couldn’t identify what sparrow I was looking at I turned to the Audubon bird guide and found it most closely matched the description of the Fox Sparrow. More through investigation turned up that there are four recognized subspecies with the Red being the one most common in this area.
The Fox Sparrow’s breeding grounds are in northern Canada with Pennsylvania being a part of its winter range.
Although I have seen this sparrow or some of its kin around our feeding area numerous times it has been quite an illusive bird. Most of the time it is busy scratching in the underbrush and seldom has it lit in a position where taking its photograph was possible.
He looks more like what we have down here. They are really hard to see...they blend in with the ground real easy.
I have never knowingly seen a true Fox Sparrow but around here there are a variety of other named sparrows and some look, very much, like your Fox Sparrow. Nice photo.
We have lots of sparrows around here...but none quite like this.
I clicked on the pic and enlarged and and was enthralled with the "dots" on his belly! This is a truly beautiful bird.
Great Capture!!!!!
I don't see these one too often. If I do, maybe I don't know what their called. Nice shot.
I have been seeing a lot of birds on blogger lately, they are something that I have never really tried to get photos of, after seeing some great shots like this one, I think I might have to give it a shot!
Another great Country Capture..well done Salty. Sometime we need to view these bird close up to see just how much beauty is hid in the feathers.
Great to be back here my friend.
Perfect capture of this little bird. We call the sparrows common but there is such a variety I don't think they are common at all.
Excelent shot Salty, but then your photos are always a reward to look at.
Certain years, the autumn, in my country we saw such species sparrows, but are not birds that seat near in the residences, as common sparrows.
Very good the photographs.
Salty love any kind of sparrow bird, I can watch them for hours. This is very nice capture of one. Anna :)
Whatever he is, he is beautiful in your photo.
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