Not really a river but rather a stream running across a previously drained lake bed.
As my photographic excursions have been highly limited lately I have been reviewing my archives from last winter. The Meadow Grounds Lake was lowered by the Pa Fish & Boat Commission during November of 2006 for assessment and repairs to the breastwall. This action exposed land that had been under water since the early 1960’s providing a unique photographic opportunity.
During this past summer the assessment was completed and the required materials were delivered. The repair work was to be completed by the end of the year but as yet no work has begun.
The current lake level precludes the launching of anything but the smallest of boats. According to a newspaper article quoting officials the complete repair will only cost around $15,000. I wonder if the boating public will once again be denied the use of this lake during 2008 by an agency who is only too happy to sell one the required boat registration and fishing license.
The lake at the park where I walk has been scheduled for dredging for the past 5 years and still nothing has been done. The money was allocated, then used for something else. I don't think you or I could get away with that. The condition of the lake is abominable!
Hi Salty
I like how my eyes are drawn into this picture.
As for the lake, I hope it's back to full water soon.
One of the lake I walk by in Tintwhistle as been drained, work is being carried out on the side walls, Black Peaty soil is being removed by the wagonful.. The Peat is washed down from the nearby moors. What surprises me is just how quick the grass starts to grow when they are drained. A local farmer also as the right to graze his cattle one the crass is long enough.
Great post.. great picture.
Hi Salty
I have enjoyed your last few posts and pictures and particularly this one, what a unique opportunity and it is a great photo. It will be interesting to see a series of this process once they start the repairs, how the area changes.
Wonderful leading lines, can see this matted and framed and on a wall being displayed!
I have just set up my new blog which is in addition to the one you already know. http://printsandgiftsbylori.blogspot.com
Check it out and feedback would be appreciated. It will be an ongoing project as I add more "stuff".
Lots of great stuff here lately, Dad!
Looks kind of like a 'path of ice.'
Could be an interesting ice skating course if the ice is frozen solid enough.
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