Once again I turned my camera away from the rising sun to capture this image. The promise of a beautiful sunrise was thwarted by a heavy cloud formation in the east. As the hidden sun rose, the band of clear sky to the west began to glow with subtle yet beautiful colors.
Soon the entire sky was clouded and the day took on the somber tones of a cold dreary winter day. Thanks to the western sky, my morning shoot was not a total loss.
Isn't it nice what you can find when you "turn around?"
Yes! And I've always been fascinated by the storm clouds and how the sky in front or beyond is always so beautiful.
Nice picture Salty and good writing too. I like to "sky watch" when the weather is changing.
You know, some of my favorite shots at sundown are the eastern sky...
Beautiful! So serene...
Beautiful picture and wonderful post.
So often this happens. I too have seen many a winter sunrise smooshed by clouds. What you have here is marvelous.
Glad you got the shot before the clouds rolled in. It's a beauty!
Interesting moody photo, definitely not a "total loss."
Something for all to concider doing.... turn around... or just a step of two to the left maybe... great picture Salty.. and wisdom to boot.
Lovely. The contrast is wonderful!
Well captured Salty.
beautiful shot with some great colors
This shot is very intense for me! The more I look at it, the more I am getting out of it. I truly love this. Honestly, it just calls to me - I would hang it on my wall - that's how much I like it!
Great capture! :)
Happy Sky watch!
A lovely shot. :o)
And you got a nice silhouette of the tree in the foreground - makes a lot of difference!
One Word:
Awesome...you were the right guy, in the right place with the right camera!
great shot - love that tree and how the blue if drawn towards the orange.
have a great w/e dude.
I really like the color in this shot. Very nice.
Beautiful shot!
Not a total loss? Oh far from.. that color creeping up is what I ache to capture ..
Hi Salty, Nice colours, this is a very nice way to look at the sky ,I like looking at your blog, watch my sky...
Have a good "skyday" of today
JoAnn from Holland
I love this photo. This is my first visit to your site and I've enjoyed all of your photos that I've seen. I'm adding you to my list of faves.
Beautiful :) I'm not often up in time for sunrise, but I have got a lot of what I call the "backside of the sunset". Funny how sometimes it's prettier than the actual sunset.
Beautiful colours. Lovely contrast.
The shot was excellent!
Well done.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Absolutely lovely.It would be very difficult to improve on this, in my opinion
That's beautiful. Love the colors, and the stark, bare tree silhouetted against the sky.
Very Beautiful.I love it.
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