The dramatic display of a rapidly moving cold front
This image was the result of following the advice of many of you, my blogger friends, to always keep a camera handy.
Now that I have graduated to shooting a DSLR for my serious work, I keep my little Canon S2 IS handy in my work car. Although most commutes are uneventful; on this evening as I was returning home, the sky became awesomely beautiful. As scenes such as this do not last long ,I quickly wheeled into a side road and continued on to the nearest hilltop which provided visibility without interfering power lines.
Sometimes photographs can be planned afore time, but when dealing with nature it always pays to be prepared.
I'm glad you were prepared for that one. It's a beautiful sky!
My husband says passerbys probably think I'm nuts because I'm always looking up at the sky. Well that's what sky watchers do. lol
This is great, the dark and light! I'm glad you were ready with your camera. It's great to see something like that and be able to capture it. I try to keep mine with me.
Like Dot, my husband just shakes his head at me, but he is very accomadating if he is driving!
lovely sky you got there. I just hope our sky here is just as pretty as yours. Happy Skywatching!
WOW!!! This photo takes me breath away! Gorgeous!
Wow Salty, I bet that is the cold front that will be embracing us Saturday, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Gorgeous picture
Truly stunning image!
You are so right with nature. I deal with nature on a constant basis and it is moody as you have shown in this photo. You do have to be prepared! Fantastic shot...
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Awesome sky!!! :) :) love the stormy clouds with the blue sky and the hint of orange sunset!!! Very nice!! :)
so glad you had the camera for this one, very dramatic!
What a contrast! Almost looks like the sky did when we had our tornado last week.
Two motives in one photo. From light to dark clouds. Nice contrast.
Be prepared and have a Happy Sky Watch Friday! :)
Love it. Great
You "wore" your camera as you should and put it to good use. Great shot!
well caught my friend. great shot.
Beautiful! I love it!
My hat's off to you. This is just fabulous. I want to show my daughter this when she wakes up. Marvelous.
Wow...awesome contrast!
It does look like a storm is either coming or going. Nice photo.
I find myself looking up all the time too, its a recent thing, before I even knew about you Friday Sky Watchers .. I am fascinated with the early morning, just at dawn colors
I really like the contrasts in your photo! I am seriously considering a pocket-sized camera just for these moments!
Very dramatic yet so pretty.
Absolutely!! I love this beautiful contrast.
Sometimes when I fumbled to look for my camera the scenery just zoooooommmmmmm... by :)
I'm so glad you were prepared. This is gorgeous!
Great capture... glad the S2 was handy.. as you know I cut my teeth on one... Great little camera.. I am now enjoying and getting used to the S5..
Great sky. I tried to enlarge the photo but it didn't work.
Boy that is a dramatic shot Salty. The division between light and darkness was captured perfetly.
A superb shot,definitely proof that we should always have our cameras with us.
Beautiful photo.
A little effort but it is all worth while.
I hope the police didn't came by. :P
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Too True, and its paid off qwell, vwery well in deed.
Absolutely outstanding picture.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I'm proud to be your 31st comment! And on an incredible capture, too. Looks like Great Cove, looking down towards the Knob? Mother Nature never fails to deliver :)
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